

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Let's get it in people...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Just a glimpse in time

Just a glimpse in time , originally uploaded by Funn Foto.

I was doing some drag shutter and came up with this. It was fun . I will do a few more and then come up with some graphix concepts and merges.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Kelly One of my MUA's

Kelly One of my MUA's, originally uploaded by Funn Foto.

So part of the new Funn Foto style team.
Hair stylist Kelly Jones
MUA Paige Campbell

Doing some Glam for the ladies.

Funn Foto available for all your images needs.

For info on bookings

Kelly One of my MUA's

Kelly One of my MUA's, originally uploaded by Funn Foto.

So part of the new Funn Foto style team.
Hair stylist Kelly Jones
MUA Paige Campbell

Doing some Glam for the ladies.

Funn Foto available for all your images needs.

For info on bookings

Kelly One of my MUA's

Kelly One of my MUA's, originally uploaded by Funn Foto.

So part of the new Funn Foto style team.
Hair stylist Kelly Jones
MUA Paige Campbell

Doing some Glam for the ladies.

Funn Foto available for all your images needs.

For info on bookings
804 426 9678

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Getting this Cardio on

Thursday, November 26, 2009

New Ameera. .. Up and coming song writer and Vocalis

Another one from this series. This one is my fav as I love the powerful sense of her being at one with nature.

New Ameera. .. Up and coming song writer and Vocalis

So I was out in nature and caught up with this song bird. Ameera. She has one beautiful song sweet and haunting.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

My Review of Nikon® D90 12.3MP Digital SLR Camera with Lens


The Nikon D90 will make you rethink what a digital SLR camera can achieve.

Best bang for Buck

funnfoto richmond,va 8/22/2009


5 5

Pros: Great Image Quality, Easy To Use, Comfortable Controls, Image Stabilization, Strong Construction, Bright LCD, Fast Shutter Speed

Best Uses: Fun, Sports, Portraits, Photojournalism, Art

Describe Yourself: Semi-pro Photographer

I shoot Model portfolio's as well as weddings, babies and kids.

This camera is the best bang for buck. I opted not to get the kit lens and got the 18mm-135mm, 50mm 1.8 and the Sigma 70-30mm...

The next set of glass that I will really invest are the 85mm 1.8 and the 12mm-24mm.

Some of the benefits that come with the Nikon system is the CLS. They can automatically trigger optically and when 1st starting out. You can save money on buy radio triggers which can with no effort run up to $600 in triggers alone. Even though I will be trying my hand at the ebay triggers and then once the budget allows go with the Cyber syncs.

Back to the performance. I have used this camera in all situations and no matter what when you get to low light it all goes back to your set glass. Glass that has a great 2.8 or in the case of 50mm 1.8 .. you can open it wide open. ... a fast lens is the other component of this. It has tracking and 11point focus system which works great.

I will say that I am excited that very soon if I look to bump up to full frame my upgrade will be to the D700s or x. Which will rumors report will have the D-movie mode.

Speaking of. Some purist will say that shoot video with video camera however technology is moving at the point where is a valuable feature to have even if for just capture a few moments or creating your next indie film. ... I feel as though this is the next progression to compete with the very great 5d mark II.

I love the color processing of Nikon over Cannon. I for a while had my ex's 5D and it had great resolution but the colors did not pop enough for me.

So just get the camera if you are looking to upgrade and you are basically getting the D300 for about $800 dollars less. . Use the money you save to get good glass and wait either til the end of the year or early next year if you must then up grade to full frame with Nikon gets the movie mode on the full frame series.

Using D90 and SB 600's


: D90, Pretty ladyd90, Made with Product, Using Product

Lady in the Alley


: D90, SB 600, Using Product, Made with Product


Friday, August 14, 2009

Dancing with Kayla

Dancing with Kayla, originally uploaded by Funn Foto.

Kayla is a sweet energy that is finding her voice. I asked her to move around since I am a fellow dancer. I decided to capture the moments we call. Dance like no one is watching.

More is to come from this one. Hoping to do some duet work or at least start working on the foundation to some material

Thursday, July 23, 2009


ameree, originally uploaded by Funn Foto.

up and coming great model

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Lisa Jones by Funn Foto

Lisa Jones by Funn Foto, originally uploaded by Funn Foto.

Just some stuff with an old buddy

Saturday, May 2, 2009

One hand band Man

One hand band Man, originally uploaded by Funn Foto.

So friday night roaming the streets trying out the D90 in low light and came across the one hang band man.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tony Kundu & Purvi by Funn Foto

So set up a shoot with my Cousin Tony Kundu and Purvi. They are house dancers in Washington DC and around the world.

D90,50mm 1.8,SB600,Vivatar 285hv

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Miss Leigh

So our Monday nights are really taking off and this is a series of shots taken at night. I was playing with my New 50mm 1.8 and storbist techinique.

I was shooting with Vivitar 285hv and a SB600.
Shooting with my D90. Had to balance shooting bare bulb and moving the flash back and forth on the subject.

AMi Cakes

ami, originally uploaded by Funn Foto.

Last one of Ami.. She asked me to put make up on her so I may redo it. I am not a big Photoshopper but I think i have a little bit of skills to take care of it.


ami, originally uploaded by Funn Foto.

More of the wonderful Ami Cakes

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Ami, originally uploaded by Funn Foto.


So trying out my New 50mm 1.8 lens and strobing with

Vivatar 285hv trigger as flash, SB600 main flash shot with D90. touched up very little with PS mostly just curve stuff. Let me know what you think. I must say I am feeling the 50mm and will learn the sweet spots ASAP

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Dreamy Shoot with Loren W.

So this was a great dreamy shoot with salsa buddy Loren. We had being playing tag and finally a day with some wonderful weather came, so we decided to hang out for few hours and create some dreamy images.

I love the "Dreamy" in the grass ones and she liked the ones with her favorite dress. Here are a few.

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Thursday, February 26, 2009


The Wonderful SUEKI
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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Friday, January 30, 2009

Mike Bailey

SO I was roaming around Richmond scouting new places to take pics and models. I came across Planet Zero.
It is an artist loft spot down in Richmond VA. The area around the building will remind you of a ware house district. The Rail Car Museum is just around the corner. I stubbled in looking a few of the works they had on display. I walked by and open studio and low and behold. I come acoss this jolly soul. Mike Bailey. He is from the old school that use to shoot with KodaChrome. Back in the day. Well we sat and chatted for hours and then one of my models came by. Sharneece Robinson. She is an up and coming Model and we are working on her portfolio and website.

I was showing him my new D90 which I am learning and loving everyday.
I swear I am going to convert him. He is shooting on a Fuji at present.

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Just my Slim Goodie

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