

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Miss Brooks.

Miss Brooks. , originally uploaded by Funn Foto.

I would do this shot for a catalog shoot.


Soliel, originally uploaded by Funn Foto.

MIss Soliel . Some High Fashon beauty shot stuff.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Miss Mendy

Miss Mendy, originally uploaded by Funn Foto.

Beauty Glamour. Just one light beauty dish. Rocking it with Miss Mendy. She is just getting warmed up.

MIss Emmilou

MIss Emmilou, originally uploaded by Funn Foto.

A Lady Gaga inspired head shot with my buddy Emmilou. She was walking in a fashion show and I was back stage grabbing some shots.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Miss Omaryz

Miss Omaryz, originally uploaded by Funn Foto.

Follow her here .. once the weather wants to stay warm .. FUNN FUNN FUNN in the SUN SUN SUN